Meaning of 'paya'

VII. v. t. yield, produce, payanta; 2. beget, generate, piyappi; v. i. take place; 2. (with dat) fear (used thus only in the past as payanten; payan tiru etc.).

payantavan, one who is afraid.
payantal, (masc. payantan) a mother, peyyaval.
payappu, v. n. production, fruit of actions.

Meaning of பய

VII. v. t. yield, produce, பயன்தா; 2. beget, generate, பிறப்பி; v. i. take place; 2. (with dat) fear (used thus only in the past as பயந்தேன்; பயந் திரு etc.).

பயந்தவன், one who is afraid.
பயந்தாள், (masc. பயந்தான்) a mother, பெற்றவள்.
பயப்பு, v. n. production, fruit of actions.

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