Meaning of 'paramam'

s. excellence, uccikam; 2. heaven, param; 3. the Supreme Being, katavul.

parama, excellent, heavenly.
paramakati, heavenly bliss.
paramakariyam, spiritual matters.
paramakkiyanam, -nanam, knowledge of the deity.
paramacantalan, a great or desperate wretch.
paramacatturu, an inveterate foe, a chief adversary.
paramacanti, divine tranquillity of the soul.
paramacayucciyam, union or identification with the deity.
paramanivartti, final liberation from anxieties and secularities.
paramamurtti, the Supreme Being; 2. Vishnu, visnu.
parama rakaciyam, a heavenly mystery.
parama luttan, a great niggard.
parama lokam, a world of bliss.
paraman, the Supreme Being.
paramangkicam, a part of divinity; 2. a Upanishad.
paramattuman, God as the soul of the world; 2. a saint, a glorified spirit.
paramattuma, the deity or universal soul, a saint, paramattumam.
paramarttam, any excellent or important aim or object.
paramarttan, a simpleton not experienced in wordly affairs.
paramayputam, a divine miracle.
paramanantam, spiritual joy, heavenly delight.
paramanam, paramannam, celestial food, rice boiled with milk and sugar for an oblation, paycoyu.
paramecan, paramecuran, parameccuran, a name of deity, commonly Siva; 2. Vishnu; 3. God.
parameccuri, Sakti or the consort of deity, commonly Parvathi; 2. Lakshmi.
parametti, the Supreme Being; 2. Siva; 3. Vishnu; 4. Brahma; 5. Argha.
paramausatam, paramautatam, an excellent medicine.

Meaning of பரமம்

s. excellence, உச்சிகம்; 2. heaven, பரம்; 3. the Supreme Being, கடவுள்.

பரம, excellent, heavenly.
பரமகதி, heavenly bliss.
பரமகாரியம், spiritual matters.
பரமக்கியானம், -ஞானம், knowledge of the deity.
பரமசண்டாளன், a great or desperate wretch.
பரமசத்துரு, an inveterate foe, a chief adversary.
பரமசாந்தி, divine tranquillity of the soul.
பரமசாயுச்சியம், union or identification with the deity.
பரமநிவர்த்தி, final liberation from anxieties and secularities.
பரமமூர்த்தி, the Supreme Being; 2. Vishnu, விஷ்ணு.
பரம ரகசியம், a heavenly mystery.
பரம லுத்தன், a great niggard.
பரம லோகம், a world of bliss.
பரமன், the Supreme Being.
பரமாங்கிசம், a part of divinity; 2. a Upanishad.
பரமாத்துமன், God as the soul of the world; 2. a saint, a glorified spirit.
பரமாத்துமா, the deity or universal soul, a saint, பரமாத்துமம்.
பரமார்த்தம், any excellent or important aim or object.
பரமார்த்தன், a simpleton not experienced in wordly affairs.
பரமாற்புதம், a divine miracle.
பரமானந்தம், spiritual joy, heavenly delight.
பரமானம், பரமான்னம், celestial food, rice boiled with milk and sugar for an oblation, பாற்சோறு.
பரமேசன், பரமேசுரன், பரமேச்சுரன், a name of deity, commonly Siva; 2. Vishnu; 3. God.
பரமேச்சுரி, Sakti or the consort of deity, commonly Parvathi; 2. Lakshmi.
பரமேட்டி, the Supreme Being; 2. Siva; 3. Vishnu; 4. Brahma; 5. Argha.
பரமௌஷதம், பரமௌடதம், an excellent medicine.

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