Meaning of 'parakku'

s. inattentiveness, carelessness, neglect, acattai; 2. diversion, amusement, pastime, vilaiyattu; 3. a purpose or an object in view; 4. an interj. calling attention.

parakkayirukka, paramukamayirukka, to be inattentive. parakkupparttuk kontirukka, to look about without minding the business, to have the attention diverted.
parakkukkatta, to amuse a child.
parakkillamal, carefully, attentively.

Meaning of பராக்கு

s. inattentiveness, carelessness, neglect, அசட்டை; 2. diversion, amusement, pastime, விளையாட்டு; 3. a purpose or an object in view; 4. an interj. calling attention.

பராக்காயிருக்க, பராமுகமாயிருக்க, to be inattentive. பராக்குப்பார்த்துக் கொண்டிருக்க, to look about without minding the business, to have the attention diverted.
பராக்குக்காட்ட, to amuse a child.
பராக்கில்லாமல், carefully, attentively.

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