Meaning of 'mokam'

s. lust, lasciviousness, sensuality, kamam; 2. desire, affection, acai; 3. confusion of mind, bewilderment, unmattam; 4. (in comb.) barrenness.

mokam muppatu nal acai ayupatu nal, venereal appetite continues thirty days, desire for sixty. (Proverb).
moka iccai, -kavanam, -vikaram, libidinous desire.
mokakkaran, -vikari, -viyapari, a lascivious person.
mokangkolla, to grow lustful.
mokantira, -tirttukkolla, to gratify one's lust.
mokan, Kama, the Hindu Cupid, manmatan.
mokantakaram, mental darkness caused by sensuality.

Meaning of மகம்

s. the tenth lunar asterism, ஓர் நாள்; 2. sacrifice, a large burnt offering, யாகம்; 3. happiness, இன்பம்; 4. a sacred festival, விழவு; 5. lustre, radiance, பிரபை.

மகச்சனி, மகத்துச்சனி, Saturn in the asterism மகம்.
மகத்தீர்த்தம், a great bathing in February. See மாமகம்.
மகபதி, மகவான், Indra, as attaining his position by virtue of performing 1 horse sacrifices.
மகமுறை, method of offering sacrifices; 2. a feast, விருந்து.
மகாக்கினி, sacrificial fire.

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