Meaning of 'matal'

v. n. (defective) doing, ceytal.

Meaning of மடல்

s. anything that is flat and long as the leaves of the cocoa, palmyra, plantain etc., 2. eyelid, நிமை; 3. a flower-petal, பூவிதழ்; 4. the shoulder blade and upper arm, தோள்மடல்; 5. a stand for sacred ashes, விபூதி மடல்; 6. a poem figuratively describing a disappointed lover riding on a palmyra-stem.

மடலோடு மடல் சேர்த்துக்கட்ட, to pinion a person.
மடலரிதாரம், leaf-orpiment.
மடலூர்தல், riding on a palmyra branch for a horse, as a disappointed lover.
மடற்பனை, a rough palmyra tree difficult to ascend; 2. (fig.) a learned man unwilling to impart his knowledge to others.
ஏற்ற மடல், the picotta, the pole of a well-sweep.
காது மடல், the ear-lap.
வாழை மடல், the bark of a plantain tree.

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