Meaning of 'mutu'

III. v. t. shut, enclose, atai; 2. cover, hide, screen, veil, mayai; v. i. be covered or concealed.

vayaimutu, hold your tongue.
kannaimuta, to close one's eyes; 2. to close another's eyes.
mutal, v. n. covering over.
muti, s. a cover, a lid; 2. half of a cocoanut.
mutikkolla, to cover oneself, to wrap oneself up.
mutiyirukka, to be covered.
mutivaikka, to cover something, to conceal anything, to shut up.
mutucanni, catalepsy.
mutupani, a mist, a thick fog.
mutumantiram, secret incantations.

Meaning of மூடு

III. v. t. shut, enclose, அடை; 2. cover, hide, screen, veil, மறை; v. i. be covered or concealed.

வாயைமூடு, hold your tongue.
கண்ணைமூட, to close one's eyes; 2. to close another's eyes.
மூடல், v. n. covering over.
மூடி, s. a cover, a lid; 2. half of a cocoanut.
மூடிக்கொள்ள, to cover oneself, to wrap oneself up.
மூடியிருக்க, to be covered.
மூடிவைக்க, to cover something, to conceal anything, to shut up.
மூடுசன்னி, catalepsy.
மூடுபனி, a mist, a thick fog.
மூடுமந்திரம், secret incantations.

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