Meaning of 'uz'

VI. v. i. grow old, decay, mutiru; 2. blossom, malar.

uzttal, v. n. decaying, stinking, blossoming.

Meaning of ஊழ்

s. antiquity, oldness, past deed good or bad, பழைமை; 2. custom, முறை; 3. fate, destiny arising from the actions of previous births, விதி; 4. malice hatred, பகைமை; 5. maturity, முதிர்வு; 6. blossoming, மலர்ச்சி.

ஊழ்த்துணை, wife, as one's destined.
ஊழ்விதி, destiny arising from the actions of previous births.
ஊழ்வினை, acts committed in a previous existence.
ஊழ்வினைப்பயன், results of the actions of former births.

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