Meaning of 'kisti'

kistippanam, s. (Hind.) tax or kist upon land etc., nilavari.

kistipanti, settlement of kists.
kistipantu, a document showing the amount of kist and the date when it becomes due.
kistiperistu, the amount of kist for village.

Meaning of கிஸ்தி

கிஸ்திப்பணம், s. (Hind.) tax or kist upon land etc., நிலவரி.

கிஸ்திபந்தி, settlement of kists.
கிஸ்திபந்து, a document showing the amount of kist and the date when it becomes due.
கிஸ்திபேரீஸ்து, the amount of kist for village.

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