Meaning of 'kiruttiyam'

s. action, act, work business, tozil; 2. religious rites, prescribed duties, katamai<; 3. rites, ceremonies, catangku; 4. the five-fold functions of God, pancikiruttiyam; 5. funeral rites. Its antonym is akiruttiyam.

oru kiruttiyamumillatavan, one unemployed.
kiruttiyakkaran, an honest virtuous man; 2. one that duly performs the prescribed religious rites.
kiruttiyam mutikka, to perform an act, a rite or duty.
camucarakiruttiyam, house-keeping, domestic affairs.
pancakiruttiyam, the five operations of deity, viz. akkal, alittal, azit tal, mayaittal, arulal.

Meaning of கிருத்தியம்

s. action, act, work business, தொழில்; 2. religious rites, prescribed duties, கடமை<; 3. rites, ceremonies, சடங்கு; 4. the five-fold functions of God, பஞ்சிகிருத்தியம்; 5. funeral rites. Its antonym is அகிருத்தியம்.

ஒரு கிருத்தியமுமில்லாதவன், one unemployed.
கிருத்தியக்காரன், an honest virtuous man; 2. one that duly performs the prescribed religious rites.
கிருத்தியம் முடிக்க, to perform an act, a rite or duty.
சமுசாரகிருத்தியம், house-keeping, domestic affairs.
பஞ்சகிருத்தியம், the five operations of deity, viz. ஆக்கல், அளித்தல், அழித் தல், மறைத்தல், அருளல்.

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