Meaning of 'kempu'

III. v. i. rise up, swell, be boisterous like the sea, kontali; 2. cry, clamour, make tumult; bustle, aravari.

kempikkontu poka, to go on roaring and raging.
kempiyezumpa, to rise up with indignation.

Meaning of கெம்பு

III. v. i. rise up, swell, be boisterous like the sea, கொந்தளி; 2. cry, clamour, make tumult; bustle, ஆரவாரி.

கெம்பிக்கொண்டு போக, to go on roaring and raging.
கெம்பியெழும்ப, to rise up with indignation.

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