Meaning of 'kel'

v. t. (improp. kez) hear, cevi kotu; 2. obey, kizppati; 3. ask, question, vinavu; 4. beg, entreat, ira; 5. demand, kotukkac col; 6. bid, offer a price, vilaikel; 7. avenge, punish, tanti; 8. tolerate, bear, brook, caki, poyu; v. i. be heard (as a sound); 2. be docile, kizppati.

atu collak ketten, I heard the rumour, I heard it.
turamayk ketkum, it will be heard far off.
ketkutal, kettal, v. n.
kettum kelatirukka, to pretend not to hear.
kettu vicarikka, to inquire into, to investigate.
ketpar peccuk ketka, to listen to everyone's advice.
kelata kelvi, an improper, indecent unbecoming question.
kelamai, neg. v. n. disregard, disobedience.
katu kelatavan, a deaf man.
colketka, to obey one's word.
nulketka, to learn a book under a teacher.
penketka, to solicit a girl of her friends in marriage.
vazakkuk ketka, to enquire into a case.
ketpi, causative of kel, cause to hear.

Meaning of கேள்

v. t. (improp. கேழ்) hear, செவி கொடு; 2. obey, கீழ்ப்படி; 3. ask, question, வினாவு; 4. beg, entreat, இர; 5. demand, கொடுக்கச் சொல்; 6. bid, offer a price, விலைகேள்; 7. avenge, punish, தண்டி; 8. tolerate, bear, brook, சகி, பொறு; v. i. be heard (as a sound); 2. be docile, கீழ்ப்படி.

அது சொல்லக் கேட்டேன், I heard the rumour, I heard it.
தூரமாய்க் கேட்கும், it will be heard far off.
கேட்குதல், கேட்டல், v. n.
கேட்டும் கேளாதிருக்க, to pretend not to hear.
கேட்டு விசாரிக்க, to inquire into, to investigate.
கேட்பார் பேச்சுக் கேட்க, to listen to everyone's advice.
கேளாத கேள்வி, an improper, indecent unbecoming question.
கேளாமை, neg. v. n. disregard, disobedience.
காது கேளாதவன், a deaf man.
சொல்கேட்க, to obey one's word.
நூல்கேட்க, to learn a book under a teacher.
பெண்கேட்க, to solicit a girl of her friends in marriage.
வழக்குக் கேட்க, to enquire into a case.
கேட்பி, causative of கேள், cause to hear.

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