Meaning of 'appan'

appanar, appa, s. father, takappan.

appa, a father, papa, also used to call inferiors; 2. an exclamation.
appattal, appayi, grandmother on father's side.
ciyyappan, father's younger brother.
periyappan, father's elder brother.
appavenyal ucci kuliruma? prov. Good words fill not a sack. Fair words butter no parsnips.
malaiyappan, saint Peter; Murugan, Skandan.
appar, one of the votaries of Siva.
appappa, interj. an exclamation of pity or surprise.

Meaning of அப்பன்

அப்பனார், அப்பா, s. father, தகப்பன்.

அப்பா, a father, papa, also used to call inferiors; 2. an exclamation.
அப்பாத்தாள், அப்பாயி, grandmother on father's side.
சிற்றப்பன், father's younger brother.
பெரியப்பன், father's elder brother.
அப்பாவென்றால் உச்சி குளிருமா? prov. Good words fill not a sack. Fair words butter no parsnips.
மலையப்பன், saint Peter; Murugan, Skandan.
அப்பர், one of the votaries of Siva.
அப்பப்பா, interj. an exclamation of pity or surprise.

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