I. v. t. adore, worship,
tozukanni , a kind of plant, hedysarum gyrans,orputu .
tozukallan , a hypocritical rogue.
tozukulattor , Brahmins as a venerated class.
tozutukolla , to worship frequently and for oneself.
tozuntakai , one worthy to be worshipped.
tozal ,tozutal ,tozukai , v. n. worshipping.
s. stocks for the punishment of culprits,
தொழுநோய் , asதொழு 4.
தொழுவடிக்க ,தொழுவில் அடிக்க , -போட , to put one in the stocks.
தொழுவிலடைக்க , to stall cattle.