adj. (
muzal ,muzalan , a stout and robust person, a complete hand, a good workman.
muzukka , adv. wholly, entirely, completely.
muzukkay , entire fruit nearly ripe.
muzuccomperi , a great sluggard.
muzutu , that which is entire.
muzutum ,muzuvatum , all, the whole,muzumaiyum .
muzumakan , a wild or rude man without education or instruction.
muzumati , full moon.
muzumanacay , with all one's heart.
muzumai , entireness.
muzuvaci ,muzuvaciyum , the whole.
muzuvelumpu , a skeleton.
adj. (
முழாள் ,முழாளன் , a stout and robust person, a complete hand, a good workman.
முழுக்க , adv. wholly, entirely, completely.
முழுக்காய் , entire fruit nearly ripe.
முழுச்சோம்பேரி , a great sluggard.
முழுது , that which is entire.
முழுதும் ,முழுவதும் , all, the whole,முழுமையும் .
முழுமகன் , a wild or rude man without education or instruction.
முழுமதி , full moon.
முழுமனசாய் , with all one's heart.
முழுமை , entireness.
முழுவாசி ,முழுவாசியும் , the whole.
முழுவெலும்பு , a skeleton.