Meaning of 'ati'

s. the month of July; the fourth Tamil month.

atik kayyu, a west wind blowing in July.
atipperukku (patinettam perukku a festival in July when the Cauveri overflows, (on the 18th of ati).

Meaning of அடி

s. blow, stroke, stripe.

அடித்தழும்பு, mark of a stripe.
அடிபட, -உண்ண, to be beaten; 2. to become a public talk; 3. to be consumed.
அடிபிடி சண்டை, a quarral in which blows are exchanged; a scuffle.
அடியுண்ணி, one that often gets blows.
அடியோதண்டமாய் அடிக்க, to beat cruelly.
அடிமேலடி அடித்தால் அம்மியும் நகரும் --Little strokes fell great oaks.

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