Meaning of 'atcam'

akkam, s. eye kan; 2. a seed worn as beads by religious mendicants, uruttirakkam; 3. terrestrial latitude.

atcarekai -niratcarekai, latitudinal & longitudinal lines.
atcamcam, atcapakai -degree of latitude.
atcapatan, Gautama who had an eye in his right foot.

Meaning of அட்சம்

அக்கம், s. eye கண்; 2. a seed worn as beads by religious mendicants, உருத்திராக்கம்; 3. terrestrial latitude.

அட்சரேகை -நிரட்சரேகை, latitudinal & longitudinal lines.
அட்சாம்சம், அட்சபாகை -degree of latitude.
அட்சபாதன், Gautama who had an eye in his right foot.

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