Meaning of 'kanal'

s. heat of the sun, karangkai; 2. the mirage or the waving vapour at midday, venter; 3. light, lustre, pirakacam; 4. saltpans, uppalam; 5. salt marsh, kazi; 6. scent, odour, vacanai; 7. a wood on a hill-slope.

kanal eyikka, -ota, -vica, to flash heat, to waver as mirage.
kanaycalam, kananir, the mirage mistaken for water.

Meaning of கனல்

கனலு, v. i. be hot, burn, எரி; 2. be angry, கோபி; 3. boil as hot water; 4. redden, சிவ; v. t. burn, சுடு.

கனற்சி, v. n. heat anger.

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