Meaning of 'kuncam'

(kuccam) s. a tassel, cluster, kuccu; 2. a bunch of flowers, pung kottu; 3. a fan for flies, chowry, fly flap, i yotti; 4. a weaver's brush or comb, pavayyi; 5. 12 threads of the warp of cloth in the loom; 6. what is crooked, hump back, kun; 7. dwarfishness, kuyal; 8. calumny, slander, kol; 9. crab's eye, kunyimani; 1. a measure of capacity, nazi.

kuncangkattit tongkavita, to hang up tassels as ornaments.
kuncan, a dwarf.

Meaning of குஞ்சம்

(குச்சம்) s. a tassel, cluster, குச்சு; 2. a bunch of flowers, பூங் கொத்து; 3. a fan for flies, chowry, fly flap, ஈ யோட்டி; 4. a weaver's brush or comb, பாவாற்றி; 5. 12 threads of the warp of cloth in the loom; 6. what is crooked, hump back, கூன்; 7. dwarfishness, குறள்; 8. calumny, slander, கோள்; 9. crab's eye, குன்றிமணி; 1. a measure of capacity, நாழி.

குஞ்சங்கட்டித் தொங்கவிட, to hang up tassels as ornaments.
குஞ்சன், a dwarf.

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