Meaning of 'aran'

s. stronghold, kottai; 2. fortification, wall, matil; 3. beauty; 4. defence; 5. spear, vel.

aranmanai, a palace
aranippillata kottai, a castle that is not strong.
akazivetti aranceyya, to entrench

Meaning of அரண்

s. stronghold, கோட்டை; 2. fortification, wall, மதில்; 3. beauty; 4. defence; 5. spear, வேல்.

அரண்மனை, a palace
அரணிப்பில்லாத கோட்டை, a castle that is not strong.
அகழிவெட்டி அரண்செய்ய, to entrench

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