Meaning of 'taya'

see tayai.

tayakurccan, Buddha.
tayacamuttiram, a sea of grace.
tayacilam, grace, graciousness.
tayaparan, God, the gracious; 2. a beneficient man.
tayamurtti, the incarnation of benevolence.
tayavirutti, increase of grace; 2. the 14 acts of benevolence.

Meaning of தயா

see தயை.

தயாகூர்ச்சன், Buddha.
தயாசமுத்திரம், a sea of grace.
தயாசீலம், grace, graciousness.
தயாபரன், God, the gracious; 2. a beneficient man.
தயாமூர்த்தி, the incarnation of benevolence.
தயாவிருத்தி, increase of grace; 2. the 14 acts of benevolence.

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