Meaning of 'talam'

s. the palmyra, panai; 2. bastard sago, cariota urens, kuntaypanai; 3. a dish, a salver, a charger, tattu; 4. the tongue; 5. the ear of an elephant; 6. the earth, puvi.

talattuvacan -ketanan, Bhishma; 2. Balarama, (the banner of both being a palmyra tree).
talamezutaiyon, Agni, the Fire God, as having seven (many) tongues.
talavattam, an elephant's ear; 2. an elephant's tail; 3. the earth; 4. a fan.
talaviruttam, a large fan, a fan in general.

Meaning of தாலம்

s. the palmyra, பனை; 2. bastard sago, cariota urens, கூந்தற்பனை; 3. a dish, a salver, a charger, தட்டு; 4. the tongue; 5. the ear of an elephant; 6. the earth, புவி.

தாலத்துவசன் -கேதனன், Bhishma; 2. Balarama, (the banner of both being a palmyra tree).
தாலமேழுடையோன், Agni, the Fire God, as having seven (many) tongues.
தாலவட்டம், an elephant's ear; 2. an elephant's tail; 3. the earth; 4. a fan.
தாலவிருத்தம், a large fan, a fan in general.

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