Meaning of 'nattu'

III. v. t. desire, long for, naccu; 2. pursue with desire.

itai nattivanten, I came longing to obtain this.
oruvanai nattikkontirukka, to hanker after one.
nattacai, wishfulness, longing for.
nattacaippattirukka, to wish for.

Meaning of நத்து

III. v. t. desire, long for, நச்சு; 2. pursue with desire.

இதை நத்திவந்தேன், I came longing to obtain this.
ஒருவனை நத்திக்கொண்டிருக்க, to hanker after one.
நத்தாசை, wishfulness, longing for.
நத்தாசைப்பட்டிருக்க, to wish for.

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