Meaning of 'moti'

s. show; 2. haughtiness, pride, mettimai; 3. a kind of enchantment; 4. a love-quarrel, pinakku; 5. a forest-goddess.

motikkaran, an unfriendly frowning man.
motittanam, haughtiness, arrogance.
motipanna, -pota, -motiyayt tiriya, to be high-minded, haughty and proud.
motipputavai, cloth all white without any variety of colours.
motiyayk kolla, oru motiyayp pitikka, to buy by whole-sale.
iracamoti, royal grandeur.
iranuvamoti, the array of an army.
cevakamoti, manners, habit or bravery of a soldier.

Meaning of மாடி

s. a palace, அரண்மனை; 2. upper storey, மெத்தை; 3. distress; 4. anger; 5. the border of a garment.

மறுமாடி, a ridge; 2. the sloping roof over the breadth of the house.

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