Meaning of 'matavi'

s. a female messenger or procuress, usually for bad purposes, a bawd, tutikai; 2. a prostitute, nata kak kanikai; 3. the wife of Arjuna, sister to Krishna; 4. the wife of Krishna; 5. the concubine of Kovalan, a merchant.

matavi kozunan, Arjuna; 2. Krishna.

Meaning of மாதவி

s. a female messenger or procuress, usually for bad purposes, a bawd, தூதிகை; 2. a prostitute, நாட கக் கணிகை; 3. the wife of Arjuna, sister to Krishna; 4. the wife of Krishna; 5. the concubine of Kovalan, a merchant.

மாதவி கொழுநன், Arjuna; 2. Krishna.

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