Meaning of 'marappu'

s. a mode of dressing by native females, consisting in passing a wide scarf over one shoulder drawn down on the opposite waist.

marappup pottukkolla, to put on a scarf as above; 2. to take a pack on the back fastened by a band brought forward.
marappuccilai, the scarf so used.

Meaning of மாராப்பு

s. a mode of dressing by native females, consisting in passing a wide scarf over one shoulder drawn down on the opposite waist.

மாராப்புப் போட்டுக்கொள்ள, to put on a scarf as above; 2. to take a pack on the back fastened by a band brought forward.
மாராப்புச்சீலை, the scarf so used.

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