Meaning of 'mari'

s. rain a shower, mazai; 2. cloud, mekam; 3. water, nir; 4. fermented sap of a palm tree, kal.

marikalam, the rainy season or monsoon.
marikkuta, the north-eastern quarter.
marinal, the 12th lunar mansion, uttiranal.
marimayuttal, cessation of rain.
ampumari, a shower of arrows.
tenmari, a shower of honey.

Meaning of மாரி

s. death, சாவு; 2. a contagious disease; 3. small-pox; 4. the evil goddess of small-pox.

மாரியம்மன், -யம்மை, -யாத்தாள், the goddess of small-pox.

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