Meaning of 'muyi'

VI. v. t. break, crush, oti VI.; 2. twist, writhe, muyukku.

kayaiyai muyikka, to remove a spot from cloth.
racattai muyikka, to purge the mercury out.
mukattai muyikka, mukamuyikka, to affront one, to wound one's feelings.
muyippu, v. n. disunion, breach of friendship.

Meaning of முறி

VI. v. t. break, crush, ஒடி VI.; 2. twist, writhe, முறுக்கு.

கறையை முறிக்க, to remove a spot from cloth.
ரசத்தை முறிக்க, to purge the mercury out.
முகத்தை முறிக்க, முகமுறிக்க, to affront one, to wound one's feelings.
முறிப்பு, v. n. disunion, breach of friendship.

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