Meaning of 'mevu'

III. v. t. fill up, niravu; 2. desire, love, virumpu; 3. make the ground even, level, camanakku; 4. eat, un; 5. join, combine, approach, ceru.

mevalar, mevar, enemies, foes.
mevinar, friends, relations.
mevu, v. n. desire, acai.

Meaning of மேவு

III. v. t. fill up, நிரவு; 2. desire, love, விரும்பு; 3. make the ground even, level, சமனாக்கு; 4. eat, உண்; 5. join, combine, approach, சேரு.

மேவலர், மேவார், enemies, foes.
மேவினர், friends, relations.
மேவு, v. n. desire, ஆசை.

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