Meaning of 'mozai'

s. a stump, a block, kattai; 2. stupidity, matamai; 3. a beast without horns; 4. rice gruel, kanci; 5. subterranean water-course, which if it enters wells, destroys them, kizayu.

mozai (mottai) matu, a bullock without horns.
mozaipuyappatal, gushing out as water from a subterranean stream.
mozai yakka, to stupify.
kayyayimozai, one who acts follishly though learned, a learned fool.

Meaning of மோழை

s. a stump, a block, கட்டை; 2. stupidity, மடமை; 3. a beast without horns; 4. rice gruel, கஞ்சி; 5. subterranean water-course, which if it enters wells, destroys them, கீழாறு.

மோழை (மொட்டை) மாடு, a bullock without horns.
மோழைபுறப்படல், gushing out as water from a subterranean stream.
மோழை யாக்க, to stupify.
கற்றறிமோழை, one who acts follishly though learned, a learned fool.

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