Meaning of 'ilayam'

layam, s. stable.

kutirai ilayam, a horse stable.

Meaning of இலயம்

லயம், s. death, destruction, சாவு; 2. dissolution, கரைவு; 3. amalgamation, absorption, அடங்குகை; 4. a kind of dance, ஒருவகைக்கூத்து; 5. (musi.) exactness of time measure, தாளவறுதி; 6. union of song, dance and instrumental music, சுருதிலயம்.

சீவலயமானகாரியம், a thing where by one's life is at stake; an act which would lead to absorption into Godhead.
இலயகாலம், end of the world; time of destruction, ஊழிக்காலம்.
இலயக்கியானம், knowledge of the art of keeping time to music.
இலயமாக, to perish to become destroyed.
இலயன், இலயசிவன், (saiva) the formless aspect of Siva in which knowledge alone is manifest, அரூபசிவன்.

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