Meaning of 'ukku'

III. v. i. become worm-eaten; rot, decay, moulder, iyyuppo; 2. pine or waste away, meli.

ukkal, v. n. rottenness, putridity, a rotten thing.
ukkippoka, to pine away.
ukkina maram, a worm-eaten, rotten tree.

Meaning of உக்கு

III. v. i. become worm-eaten; rot, decay, moulder, இற்றுப்போ; 2. pine or waste away, மெலி.

உக்கல், v. n. rottenness, putridity, a rotten thing.
உக்கிப்போக, to pine away.
உக்கின மரம், a worm-eaten, rotten tree.

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