Meaning of 'uci'

s. a needle, izaivangki; 2. an iron style for writing on palmyra leaf, ezuttani; 3. a pin; 4. sharp pointedness, kurmai; 5. slenderness, lightness, ciyumai. as in ucitton tai (coll.)

ucikkatu, -kkan, -ttulai, the eye of a needle.
ucikkantam, load-stone, magnet.
ucikkutu, a needle-case.
ucimallikai, a species of jasmine.
ucimunai, the point of a needle.
uciyotta, to sew.
kuntuci, a pin.

Meaning of ஊசி

s. a needle, இழைவாங்கி; 2. an iron style for writing on palmyra leaf, எழுத்தாணி; 3. a pin; 4. sharp pointedness, கூர்மை; 5. slenderness, lightness, சிறுமை. as in ஊசித்தொண் டை (coll.)

ஊசிக்காது, -க்கண், -த்துளை, the eye of a needle.
ஊசிக்காந்தம், load-stone, magnet.
ஊசிக்கூடு, a needle-case.
ஊசிமல்லிகை, a species of jasmine.
ஊசிமுனை, the point of a needle.
ஊசியோட்ட, to sew.
குண்டூசி, a pin.

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