Meaning of 'un'

s. flesh, tacai; 2. meat, mamicam; 3. marrow, fat, ninam; 4. proud flesh over a sore; 5. the body, utal.

untalla, to grow as proud flesh; unvilainar, meat-sellers.
unakkan, physical eye (opp. to) nanakkan.
unam, pincers for pecking meat.
uni, one who has corporal existence.
unurukki, tuberculosis; consumption.

Meaning of ஊன்

s. flesh, தசை; 2. meat, மாமிசம்; 3. marrow, fat, நிணம்; 4. proud flesh over a sore; 5. the body, உடல்.

ஊன்தள்ள, to grow as proud flesh; ஊன்விலைஞர், meat-sellers.
ஊனக்கண், physical eye (opp. to) ஞானக்கண்.
ஊனம், pincers for pecking meat.
ஊனி, one who has corporal existence.
ஊனுருக்கி, tuberculosis; consumption.

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