Meaning of 'acuvam'

accuvam, s. a horse.

acuvametam, the sacrifice of a horse.
acuvacattiram, horsemanship as a science.
acuvacarattiyam, charioteering.
acuvatatti, swiftness of a horse.
acuvattaman, the son of Drona, one of the seven immortal men.

Meaning of அசுவம்

அச்சுவம், s. a horse.

அசுவமேதம், the sacrifice of a horse.
அசுவசாத்திரம், horsemanship as a science.
அசுவசாரத்தியம், charioteering.
அசுவதாட்டி, swiftness of a horse.
அசுவத்தாமன், the son of Drona, one of the seven immortal men.

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