Meaning of 'ketu'

v. n. (ketu) destruction, ruin, perdition, azivu; 2. loss, damage, citaivu; 3. vice, wickedness, pol langku; 4. elision, omission, ketutal vikaram.

ketuvarumpinne, matikettuvarum munne, ketuvarum munne mati kettuvarum, folly precedes ruin.
ketaka, inf. to grow worse; 2. adv. wrongly, mischievously.
keti, (femine. of ketan) she who ruins. This word occurs usually in compounds such as kutiketi.
ketili, the imperishable one; God, ketiluvakai, (ketu+il+uvakai) eternal felicity.
ketukalam, time of ruin.
ketukalan, one who causes destruction.
ketukettavan, one that is irrecoverably ruined or lost.
ketupatu, loss, detriment, adverse circumstances.
kutiketu, destruction of a family.
kunakketu, bad temper.
cirketu, disorder.
vetkakketu, great shame.

Meaning of கேடு

v. n. (கெடு) destruction, ruin, perdition, அழிவு; 2. loss, damage, சிதைவு; 3. vice, wickedness, பொல் லாங்கு; 4. elision, omission, கெடுதல் விகாரம்.

கேடுவரும்பின்னே, மதிகெட்டுவரும் முன்னே, கேடுவரும் முன்னே மதி கெட்டுவரும், folly precedes ruin.
கேடாக, inf. to grow worse; 2. adv. wrongly, mischievously.
கேடி, (femine. of கேடன்) she who ruins. This word occurs usually in compounds such as குடிகேடி.
கேடிலி, the imperishable one; God, கேடிலுவகை, (கேடு+இல்+உவகை) eternal felicity.
கேடுகாலம், time of ruin.
கேடுகாலன், one who causes destruction.
கேடுகெட்டவன், one that is irrecoverably ruined or lost.
கேடுபாடு, loss, detriment, adverse circumstances.
குடிகேடு, destruction of a family.
குணக்கேடு, bad temper.
சீர்கேடு, disorder.
வெட்கக்கேடு, great shame.

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