Meaning of 'kelvi'

kezvi, v. n. hearing, ketkai; 2. obedience, kizppativu; 3. a question, inquiry, vina; 4. acquired information, kalvi; 5. report, rumour, peccu; 6. ear, katu; 7. bid, offer, elam; 8. lute, yaz.

oruvarukkuk kelvikotukka, to give ear or to listen to one's advice or request.
kelviketka, to interrogate; to question.
kelviketpatu, moral control, administration of justice.
kelvik katutaci, -ppattiram, written application, tenders in writing.
kelvippata, yuya, to hear as a rumour.
kelvi mayumozi, question and answer.
kelvi muyai, the same as kelvi ketpatu.
kelvimuyaiyayya iracciyam, an administration (a government) kai kai , s. the hand, the arm, karam; 2. the sleeve of a garment, cattaiyin kai; 3. the rafters of a house, kaimaram; 4. the trunk of an elephant, tutikkai; 5. side left or right, pakkam; 6. the wings of an army, pataivakuppu; 7. ability, camarttiyam; 8. meanness, lowness, ciyumai; 9. the wing of a bird; 1. custom, usage, vazakkam; 11. a line or row, varicai; 12. younger sister tangkai; 13. decoration, adornment, oppanai.
kaikattikkontu niyka, to stand with the arms across in awe.
kaikanta parikari, an experienced physician.
kaikanta palan, a benefit sure to come.
kaikanta maruntu, an effectual remedy, a specific.
kaikanta velai, a work, which a person has been accustomed to.
kaikalakka, to join hands, to come to close engagement.
kaikazuva, to wash the hand; to relinquish, to give over.
kaikatta, to make signs with the hand; 2. to give a little; 3. to enable one to earn a living; 4. to bribe; 5. to show one's strength.
kaikarar ellarum vantarkal, all the powerful men came.
(kaikarar, kaikkarar, men of skill and ability; wealthy men.)
kaikal vazangkatavan, one unable to use hand or foot.
kaikaval, help in emergency.
where no justice can be had.
kelviyaka, to be rumoured.

Meaning of கேள்வி

கேழ்வி, v. n. hearing, கேட்கை; 2. obedience, கீழ்ப்படிவு; 3. a question, inquiry, வினா; 4. acquired information, கல்வி; 5. report, rumour, பேச்சு; 6. ear, காது; 7. bid, offer, ஏலம்; 8. lute, யாழ்.

ஒருவருக்குக் கேள்விகொடுக்க, to give ear or to listen to one's advice or request.
கேள்விகேட்க, to interrogate; to question.
கேள்விகேட்பாடு, moral control, administration of justice.
கேள்விக் கடுதாசி, -ப்பத்திரம், written application, tenders in writing.
கேள்விப்பட, யுற, to hear as a rumour.
கேள்வி மறுமொழி, question and answer.
கேள்வி முறை, the same as கேள்வி கேட்பாடு.
கேள்விமுறையற்ற இராச்சியம், an administration (a government) கை கை , s. the hand, the arm, கரம்; 2. the sleeve of a garment, சட்டையின் கை; 3. the rafters of a house, கைமரம்; 4. the trunk of an elephant, துதிக்கை; 5. side left or right, பக்கம்; 6. the wings of an army, படைவகுப்பு; 7. ability, சாமர்த்தியம்; 8. meanness, lowness, சிறுமை; 9. the wing of a bird; 1. custom, usage, வழக்கம்; 11. a line or row, வரிசை; 12. younger sister தங்கை; 13. decoration, adornment, ஒப்பனை.
கைகட்டிக்கொண்டு நிற்க, to stand with the arms across in awe.
கைகண்ட பரிகாரி, an experienced physician.
கைகண்ட பலன், a benefit sure to come.
கைகண்ட மருந்து, an effectual remedy, a specific.
கைகண்ட வேலை, a work, which a person has been accustomed to.
கைகலக்க, to join hands, to come to close engagement.
கைகழுவ, to wash the hand; to relinquish, to give over.
கைகாட்ட, to make signs with the hand; 2. to give a little; 3. to enable one to earn a living; 4. to bribe; 5. to show one's strength.
கைகாரர் எல்லாரும் வந்தார்கள், all the powerful men came.
(கைகாரர், கைக்காரர், men of skill and ability; wealthy men.)
கைகால் வழங்காதவன், one unable to use hand or foot.
கைகாவல், help in emergency.
where no justice can be had.
கேள்வியாக, to be rumoured.

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