Meaning of 'canniyaci'

canniyaci, s. an ascetic, a monk, a celebate.

canniyacippattam, the state of an ascetic, monastical life.
canniyacippattam, (ng) kulaintavan, one who lost his celebacy.
canniyacirokam, catalepsy.

Meaning of சன்னியாசி

சந்நியாசி, s. an ascetic, a monk, a celebate.

சன்னியாசிப்பட்டம், the state of an ascetic, monastical life.
சன்னியாசிப்பட்டம், (ங்) குலைந்தவன், one who lost his celebacy.
சன்னியாசிரோகம், catalepsy.

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