Meaning of 'caral'

s. the declivity of a hill, malaic caral; 2. driven rain, drizzling cold wind, tuyal; 3. a mountain, malai; 4. gandhara, a secondary melody-type. of the marutanilam; 5. v. n. leaning; drawing near.

caralatikka, to rush on as rain.
caraykattu, the gathering of clouds over hills during monsoon.
carayyuyyal, drizzling rain.

Meaning of சாரல்

s. the declivity of a hill, மலைச் சாரல்; 2. driven rain, drizzling cold wind, தூறல்; 3. a mountain, மலை; 4. gandhara, a secondary melody-type. of the மருதநிலம்; 5. v. n. leaning; drawing near.

சாரலடிக்க, to rush on as rain.
சாரற்கட்டு, the gathering of clouds over hills during monsoon.
சாரற்றூற்றல், drizzling rain.

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