Meaning of 'cuti'

s. the pitch or key-note in singing; curuti; 2. an instrument accompaniment to an air.

cutikutta, to harmonise chords, to attune the strings of musical instruments.
cutikkiyanam, the knowledge of har mony in music.
cuti pitikka, to accompany the song by sounding the key-note.
cutimati kettavan, a fool having neither knowledge nor common sense.
cutiyeyya, to raise the tone.
cutilayai, harmonious blending of tunes.

Meaning of சுதி

s. the pitch or key-note in singing; சுருதி; 2. an instrument accompaniment to an air.

சுதிகூட்ட, to harmonise chords, to attune the strings of musical instruments.
சுதிக்கியானம், the knowledge of har mony in music.
சுதி பிடிக்க, to accompany the song by sounding the key-note.
சுதிமதி கெட்டவன், a fool having neither knowledge nor common sense.
சுதியேற்ற, to raise the tone.
சுதிலயை, harmonious blending of tunes.

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