Meaning of 'cutai'

s. nectar, delicious beverage, amutu; 2. taste, savour, cuvai; 3. riches, property, porul; 4. line, plaster, cunnampu; 5. lightning, minnal; 6. whiteness, venmai; 7. a star, naksattiram; 8. (feminine of cutan) a daughter, pen; 9. destruction, azivu.

Meaning of சுதை

s. nectar, delicious beverage, அமுது; 2. taste, savour, சுவை; 3. riches, property, பொருள்; 4. line, plaster, சுண்ணாம்பு; 5. lightning, மின்னல்; 6. whiteness, வெண்மை; 7. a star, நக்ஷத்திரம்; 8. (feminine of சுதன்) a daughter, பெண்; 9. destruction, அழிவு.

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