Meaning of 'celavu'

v. n. (cel) passing, progress. cellukai; 2. leave, permission, vitai; 3. expense, charges, disbursement, cela vitukai; 4. consumption of stores etc. celavazikai; 5. provisions for daily consumption, celavu ciyyayam; 6. way, passage, route, vazi.

eccelavum (n) talli, clear, of all expenses.
enakkuc celavukkillai, I have no money for my expenses.
enakku atu celavillai, I have no call for it.
celavaziya, celavaka, celavayp poka, to be spent, consumed.
celavazikka, celavu panna, celavita, to spend, to expend, to sell up, to dispose of.
pirananaic celavazikka, to lay down one's life.
celavali, celavukaran, an extravagant person.
celavu kotukka, to give out stores for consumption, to grant leave.
celavu colla, to account for sum received by giving out the expenses; 2. to give directions as to the expenditure of a sum.
celavu vangka, to take leave; 2. to buy curry-stuffs etc. for consumption.
celavetukka, to take out stores for consumption.
celavaik kuyukka, -otukka, to curtail expenses.
cillayaic celavu, sundry expenses.
natcelavu, daily expense, lapse of days or time.
varavu celavu, income and expenditure.
vazic celavu, journey expenses.
vincelavu, useless expense.
coy cilavu, the expense of a word, speaking for one etc.

Meaning of செலவு

v. n. (செல்) passing, progress. செல்லுகை; 2. leave, permission, விடை; 3. expense, charges, disbursement, செல விடுகை; 4. consumption of stores etc. செலவழிகை; 5. provisions for daily consumption, செலவு சிற்றாயம்; 6. way, passage, route, வழி.

எச்செலவும் (ந்) தள்ளி, clear, of all expenses.
எனக்குச் செலவுக்கில்லை, I have no money for my expenses.
எனக்கு அது செலவில்லை, I have no call for it.
செலவழிய, செலவாக, செலவாய்ப் போக, to be spent, consumed.
செலவழிக்க, செலவு பண்ண, செலவிட, to spend, to expend, to sell up, to dispose of.
பிராணனைச் செலவழிக்க, to lay down one's life.
செலவாளி, செலவுகாரன், an extravagant person.
செலவு கொடுக்க, to give out stores for consumption, to grant leave.
செலவு சொல்ல, to account for sum received by giving out the expenses; 2. to give directions as to the expenditure of a sum.
செலவு வாங்க, to take leave; 2. to buy curry-stuffs etc. for consumption.
செலவெடுக்க, to take out stores for consumption.
செலவைக் குறுக்க, -ஒடுக்க, to curtail expenses.
சில்லறைச் செலவு, sundry expenses.
நாட்செலவு, daily expense, lapse of days or time.
வரவு செலவு, income and expenditure.
வழிச் செலவு, journey expenses.
வீண்செலவு, useless expense.
சொற் சிலவு, the expense of a word, speaking for one etc.

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