Meaning of 'cellam'

s. (a change of celvam), wealth, felicity, aicuvariyam; 2. amusing and soft prattling (as of a child etc.) mazalaippeccu; 3. indulgence, ilakkaram.

cellangkonca, to prattle as a humoured child, to fondle, to play with a child.
cellang kotukka, to be indulgent to a child.
cellaccerukku, see celvaccerukku.
cellac coyu, rice given in small quantities and great varieties, dainties.
cella natai, a gentle, gracefull pace-as of children; 2. a slow loitering walk-as of a lazy person.
cellanarai, premature gray hairs, supposed to result from dainty living.
cellap paci, frequent hunger (as in children).
cellap pillai, cellan, a child brought up delicately, a pet.
cellamay valarkka, to bring up delicately.
cellam poziya, to live prosperously and luxuriously.
cellavayiyu, -vanti, -ttonti, corpulence from high living.

Meaning of செல்லம்

s. (a change of செல்வம்), wealth, felicity, ஐசுவரியம்; 2. amusing and soft prattling (as of a child etc.) மழலைப்பேச்சு; 3. indulgence, இளக்காரம்.

செல்லங்கொஞ்ச, to prattle as a humoured child, to fondle, to play with a child.
செல்லங் கொடுக்க, to be indulgent to a child.
செல்லச்செருக்கு, see செல்வச்செருக்கு.
செல்லச் சோறு, rice given in small quantities and great varieties, dainties.
செல்ல நடை, a gentle, gracefull pace-as of children; 2. a slow loitering walk-as of a lazy person.
செல்லநரை, premature gray hairs, supposed to result from dainty living.
செல்லப் பசி, frequent hunger (as in children).
செல்லப் பிள்ளை, செல்்லன், a child brought up delicately, a pet.
செல்லமாய் வளர்க்க, to bring up delicately.
செல்லம் பொழிய, to live prosperously and luxuriously.
செல்லவயிறு, -வண்டி, -த்தொந்தி, corpulence from high living.

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