Meaning of 'ce'

s. (see ce) red, redness, civappu; 2. male of some animals; 3. the ceran or cengkottai tree, semicarpus anacardium; 4. a pull, bullock, ox; 5. Taurus of the Zodiac, itaparaci; 6. adj. high, uyarnta.

cengkanyu, a bull calf.
cengkottai, the kernel of the ceran tree.
ceta, a reddish cow.
cetampal, the red water lily.
cemani, a bell tied to the bullock's neck.

Meaning of சே

s. (see செ) red, redness, சிவப்பு; 2. male of some animals; 3. the சேரான் or சேங்கொட்டை tree, semicarpus anacardium; 4. a pull, bullock, ox; 5. Taurus of the Zodiac, இடபராசி; 6. adj. high, உயர்ந்த.

சேங்கன்று, a bull calf.
சேங்கொட்டை, the kernel of the சேரான் tree.
சேதா, a reddish cow.
சேதாம்பல், the red water lily.
சேமணி, a bell tied to the bullock's neck.

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