Meaning of 'cettu'

s. red, redness, civappu; 2. crimson, scarlet; 3. simile, uvamai; 4. doubt; 5. closeness, nerukkam; 6. design, object, karuttu; 7. an expletive, itaiccol; 8. (for.) a field, a spot of ground, vayal.

Meaning of சேத்து

s. red, redness, சிவப்பு; 2. crimson, scarlet; 3. simile, உவமை; 4. doubt; 5. closeness, நெருக்கம்; 6. design, object, கருத்து; 7. an expletive, இடைச்சொல்; 8. (for.) a field, a spot of ground, வயல்.

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