Meaning of 'col'

collu, III. v. t. (collinen is contracted in connen, the verb. part. is colli), say, tell, speak, pecu; 2. dictate, command; 3. versify, patu; 4. describe, virittuc col; 5. bid, invite, varaccollu; 6. harangue, declaim, piracangkancey.

nan connatai manatile vai, keep secret what I said.
appatic collu, say so that is right.
collukiya itattile collu, inform the proper person of the matter.
cappattukkuc colla, to invite one to a meal.
collappatata kariyam, a thing improper or impossible to be told.
colli, appel. n. (in comb.) a tattler (as in kot colli, a slanderer, poy colli, a liar).
collik katta, to describe, to explain, to imitate one's speech, to mock at, to ridicule; (collo.)
collik kotukka, to teach, advise.
collik kolla, to say farewell, to speak to another.
neram collik kontarkal, they appointed the time to one another.
collimutiyatatu, that which is unspeakable.
colliyanuppa, to send word by a person.
colli vaikka, to intimate, to tell beforehand, to teach.
colluvikka, to make another speak.
varac colla, to bid, invite.
coyyal, a past verbal of collutal.
coyyan, he said.

Meaning of சொல்

சொல்லு, III. v. t. (சொல்லினேன் is contracted in சொன்னேன், the verb. part. is சொல்லி), say, tell, speak, பேசு; 2. dictate, command; 3. versify, பாடு; 4. describe, விரித்துச் சொல்; 5. bid, invite, வரச்சொல்லு; 6. harangue, declaim, பிரசங்கஞ்செய்.

நான் சொன்னதை மனதிலே வை, keep secret what I said.
அப்படிச் சொல்லு, say so that is right.
சொல்லுகிற இடத்திலே சொல்லு, inform the proper person of the matter.
சாப்பாட்டுக்குச் சொல்ல, to invite one to a meal.
சொல்லப்படாத காரியம், a thing improper or impossible to be told.
சொல்லி, appel. n. (in comb.) a tattler (as in கோட் சொல்லி, a slanderer, பொய் சொல்லி, a liar).
சொல்லிக் காட்ட, to describe, to explain, to imitate one's speech, to mock at, to ridicule; (collo.)
சொல்லிக் கொடுக்க, to teach, advise.
சொல்லிக் கொள்ள, to say farewell, to speak to another.
நேரம் சொல்லிக் கொண்டார்கள், they appointed the time to one another.
சொல்லிமுடியாதது, that which is unspeakable.
சொல்லியனுப்ப, to send word by a person.
சொல்லி வைக்க, to intimate, to tell beforehand, to teach.
சொல்லுவிக்க, to make another speak.
வரச் சொல்ல, to bid, invite.
சொற்றல், a past verbal of சொல்லுதல்.
சொற்றான், he said.

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